Drain Cleaning and Clearing Services throughout Glasgow, East Kilbride, Ayrshire and surrounding areas
Blocked drains and pipes can be a nightmare, trust Drain Klear based in Ayrshire. Established over 30 years ago Drain Klear have mobile service units on call – 24 hours a day – capable of power clearing blocked drains in commercial and domestic properties who can offer a fast, efficient and reliable service. An emergency with your drains can feel like a disaster, with water or sewage flooding your home or garden. With 30 years of experience, Drain Klear has the expertise to deal with drain blockages, overflows or floods quickly and efficiently. Our operatives are fully trained to the Water Jetting Association Standards. Contact Drain Klear today by calling 01292 281253
Emergency Drain Clearing and Unblocking
All Emergency Drainage Solutions including sinks, toilets, baths, downpipes and main drains and our mobile service vans are on call 24 hours a day, Contact Drain Klear today by calling 01292 281253
Our services include:
- Power Clearing of blocked drains
- High Pressure Water Jetting
- Pressure Washing
- Jet Pumping of Flooded Areas
- Gulley Cleaning
- Cleaning/Repairing of Mono-Blocks
- Car Park Safety Kerbs
- Industrial/Commercial Gutter Cleaning
- Domestic Gutters and Downpipes
- Repairs to Damaged and Collapsed Downpipes
- Repairs to Damaged and Collapsed Drains
- Clearing toilets, sinks and baths
- Pre/Post Construction C.C.T.V Drainage Surveys and Reports
- C.C.T.V Small Bore Inspections to Downpipes, Sinks and Traps
- Maintenance Enquiries
- Sonic Drain Tracing and Mapping
- Grease Traps Cleared
- Septic Tanks
- Field Drains
- All waste disposal to licensed site
- Cable duct installations